えちえちOL密室研修 ~ローション擦りこみは身だしなみの第一歩~
「え?お肌にいいオイルですって? 課長のためなら一生懸命ヌリヌリしますね」モデル級OLがお風呂場でさらにイケないことを。ぬるぬるのローションを手に取り、スケスケブラウスと、ハサミで切り裂かれたタイトミニ、ベージュパンストに自ら塗り込む。浮き出るブラジャー、テカリ始めるパンスト。しまいにはスカートをたくしあげ、パンストの中にまで!ねっとり塗った後はポージングを開始。切ない上目遣いとM字開脚、マーメイド座りで挑発!「さあ召し上がれ」
Lotion style (tss205)
When she finished the first individual training of the section chief with a classic Office suit, she goes to a bathroom. Yes, individual training is continued! 'Oil for beauty treatment? Thank you very much, I use it now!' She paints the oil to her body on her pantyhose, blouse, ripped skirt. (in fact he prepares for lotion not for oil) So her clothes are shining brightly, and then her brassiere is getting seen from outside. She lifts up her skirt and paints the lotion into the pantyhose while posing. Let's enjoy her secret style!